What is the ip of the victim?
Falg is: md5(ip)
Scrolling down the code in IDA two funtions pop out:
there is a "system" call in the attack function which tries to run this command:
wget{code}/target.txtby more inspection one must notice the binary MD5 must not change and the generated {code} is time-dependent.
in check time function
Calculates 52c35a80 = 1388534400
--> UNIX time --> Wednesday 1st January 2014 12:00:00 AMSet time, and got correct file: contain an IP address which was and the flag becomes 5cfed0f91a2b71a5d79aa681eaf10adb
happy hunting!
how did you find the key ? guessing ?
ReplyDeletein the attack function the hash is generated. one can follow the calculations but not really necessary since it's the argument passed to _system function and can be retrieved by setting a breakpoint before _system function call.